What medieval cures were used for people with the plague?

* Bloodletting: It was commonly believed that the plague was caused by an imbalance of humors in the body, and bloodletting was thought to restore this balance.

* Leeches: Like bloodletting, leeches were used to draw out "bad" blood from the body.

* Cupping: Cupping involved placing heated cups on the skin to create suction, which was thought to draw out toxins from the body.

* Purgatives: Purgatives were used to cleanse the bowels and rid the body of harmful substances.

* Emetics: Emetics were used to induce vomiting, which was thought to expel toxins from the stomach.

* Amulets and charms: Some people wore amulets or charms inscribed with religious symbols or magical formulas in the belief that these would protect them from the plague.

* Prayer and repentance: Many people turned to prayer and repentance in the hope that God would spare them from the plague.

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