Where does the term boning originate?
1. From the Middle English word "bonen," meaning "to make clean or smooth." This is the origin of the term "boning knife" in cooking and the process of removing the bones from meat or fish.
2. From the French word "bondir," meaning "to jump or leap." This is the origin of the term "boning rod," a tool used in dressmaking and sewing to press seams open and flat.
3. From the Scottish word "bonny," meaning "pretty or attractive." This is the origin of the term "boning," which is used in hairdressing to describe the technique of curling hair using heated metal rods.
4. From the verb "to bone," meaning "to study intensely or learn thoroughly." This is the origin of the term "boning up" in academic and educational contexts, referring to studying hard for a test or exam.
5. In slang, "boning" can also mean "to have sexual intercourse," derived from the French word "baiser" (to kiss).