Home Remedies With Lemon Juice
Take 1 tsp. of honey, 2 tsp. of lemon juice and a few crystals of black salt to cure hiccups, according to the Beauty and Grooming Tips website.
Mix equal amounts of rose water and lemon juice in a bowl. Rose water is available at most health food stores or online. Take a cotton ball and dip it into the mixture. Apply the mixture to your pimples, acne and any blackheads. This can burn for a few seconds because of the acid in the lemon juice. Let this stay on your face for about 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Discontinue use if the mixture irritates your skin. Do not expose your face to direct sunlight when using lemon juice on your skin.
To help relieve asthma, squeeze lemon juice into a cup of warm water and add 1 tsp. of honey. Drink the water while it is still warm in the morning before breakfast and at night before you go to bed. This mixture helps clear congestion and by drinking it throughout the day, it will increase your vitamin C intake.
Brown Spots
Lemon juice works to lighten brown facial spots, also known as age spots. Rub a lemon or lemon juice directly on the brown spot. You can leave the lemon juice on your skin all day or wash off after 30 minutes. Add a small amount of horseradish to the lemon juice or add 1 tsp. of sugar to the lemon juice to add effectiveness. Do not use if you skin is sensitive to citrus.
To help relieve common colds, add 1 to 2 tsp. of lemon juice to a cup of hot tea. Honey can be added. Drink a cup in the morning and at night as needed.
Squeeze one half of a lemon in goat's milk and drink to cure diarrhea.
Oral Problems
For spongy gums and ulcers of the mouth, try swishing 1 tsp. of lemon juice in your mouth for 15 minutes every morning and at night.
As with all home remedies, if symptoms persist or you have an allergic reaction, contact a physician as soon as possible.