Indian Remedies for Sleep
Aromatherapy can be done in a warm bath or by applying oils directly to the skin. For difficulty in falling asleep or waking up frequently in the middle of the night, experts at Yoga Journal suggest aromatherapy. Remedies include using marjoram, sandalwood or the vanilla-scented benzoin resin oil as a bath soak before bed. Or, try warming some clarified butter known as ghee in Ayurveda therapy, and massage it into your scalp and the soles of your feet.
Oral Herbs
Soothing tea or warm milk can be effective aids for people with sleep problems. Herbs Ayurveda therapy recommends (?) be taken orally to aid with sleep disturbances, according to the Alandi Ashram, (?) include: passionflower, chamomile, bhringaraj, Guduchi and skullcap. Sip both tulsi and coriander tea before bed to help with relaxation and sleep, or you may add cardomon to some warm milk. Yoga Journal also suggests tea made with brahmi, a Ayurveda herb for nerves.
Meditation involves clearing the mind of cluttered thoughts and concentrating on breathing and relaxation. Breathing exercises and meditation before bed are tools Ayurveda suggests for anyone who wakes up in the night and has trouble falling back to sleep. The cooling Chandra Bhedana is a breathing technique where you press the left nostril and breath in through the right. Alternate back and forth from left to right for a full 5 minutes. Then do 30 seconds of Bhastrika breathing where you inhale and exhale as deeply as possible through your nose. Finish the session with a minute of meditation.