Home Remedies to Get Slim
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has been used as a health-promoting remedy for centuries because of the purifying effect it has on the body. The vinegar helps to maintain blood sugar and insulin levels to give the body constant levels of energy and reduce food cravings throughout the day. Taking a teaspoon or two before each meal helps to increase your sense of fullness and reduce the need for snacks or desserts after you finish eating. To use apple cider vinegar as a weight loss remedy, try mixing two teaspoons in 16 ounces of water and sipping throughout the day, then take an additional teaspoon of vinegar before each meal.
Honey is a natural sweetener that provides amino acids and essential minerals to the body. It is a popular ingredient in many weight loss remedies as it tastes sweet but does not contain any of the harmful ingredients of sugar or artificial sweeteners. It also aids digestions by helping the metabolism to function efficiently. To use honey as a weight loss remedy try adding half a teaspoon of cinnamon to a cup of boiling water, stir and leave to steep, covered, for half an hour. Stir in a teaspoon of honey once the half hour has passed and drink on an empty stomach, preferably first thing in the morning. Alternatively, try adding a teaspoon of honey to the apple cider vinegar remedy mentioned above to get the benefits of both substances in one drink.
Cabbage is a healthy options from the cruciferous vegetable family. It is high in vitamins and minerals and low in saturated fat and cholesterol. There are only 25 calories in 100 grams of cabbage, making it a popular choice for dieters as it helps you feel full without causing weight gain. The Cabbage Soup Diet is a popular diet that uses cabbage as its main weight loss aid, however, boiling cabbage to make soup is not an effective way to take advantage of its nutritional benefits. Instead, try steaming shredded cabbage leaves for 5 minutes or less. Eat steamed cabbage three times a week for maximum effect.