How to Use Thieves Oil as a Household Remedy

Thieves oil is derived from a number of aromatic herbs and spices that thieves in the 15th century used to protect themselves while robbing plague victims. It can be an effective remedy to minor maladies or injuries. It can even be used as a household cleaner or a massage oil. If you're allergic to cinnamon or cloves, you shouldn't use thieves oil.

Things You'll Need

  • Thieves oil
  • Water
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    • 1

      Mix one drop of thieves oil with one tablespoon of water. Gargle it to help ease a sore throat.

    • 2

      Rub several drops of undiluted oil onto your breast bone and throat to help your chest feel better when it aches from bronchitis.

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      Rub undiluted oil onto the soles of your feet. This may help protect you from colds.

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      Boil a cap of thieves oil in a pot of water and breathe in the steam to help ease lung congestion.

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