How to Use Lines on The Hand to Identify Personality Traits
Things You'll Need
- Magnifying glass
Reading the Palm
Identify the following types of lines on your palm: Chains have lines with a chain-like pattern and they represent obscure goals and inclinations to deviate. Tassels have several smaller lines at the end of a longer line. Grilles look like a Tick-Tack-Toe mark. Both tassels and grilles represent obstacles, struggles and diminished abilities. Breaks in lines suggest weaknesses. Branches in lines give extra strength. Islands, which are created when a line splits into two lines and then comes back together again, indicate delays, injuries and problems. Crosses signify upheavals, violence, struggles and blunders. Quadrangles exaggerate or lessen a personality trait, depending on the size of the quadrangle. Triangles improve luck or cause delays through crankiness. Circles amplify physical or emotional health issues or special talents and abilities. Bars signify temporary impediments. Stars accentuate strengths and are associated with being lucky. Squares strengthen the quality of any weak area.
Locate the fleshy cushions called mounts under each finger. The mounts form a clockwise pattern starting under the little finger of the right hand: Mercury--little finger--represents buoyancy, wit, spirit and shrewdness; Apollo--ring finger--represents compassion, artistic and success abilities; Saturn--middle finger--represents seriousness, cautiousness and superstition; Jupiter--index finger--represents leadership, ambition and religiousness; Lower Mars--between index finger and thumb--represents moral courage and self-control; Venus--thumb-- represents affection and humility; Moon--lower palm opposite the thumb--represents imagination and self-centeredness; and Upper Mars--between little finger and lower palm--represents resistance, calmness and courage.
Observe the fingertips. According to Comte C. de Saint-Germain, author of "The Study of Palmistry;" pointed fingertips taper from the root to the tip, where they end in a decided point. This person may tend to imagine but not execute ideas. Conical fingertips taper from the lower joint to the tip where they end in a rounded, thimble-like cone. This person may blend reason and imagination. Square fingertips maintain nearly the same width from root to tip where they end in a decided square or semirounded square. For this person, reason is uppermost and he rules alone. Spatulate finger tips continue with the same width from the root to after the upper joint, where they widen and end in the form of a spatula. This person may execute actions without the gift of conception and little reasoning power.
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