Home Remedies for Taking Gas Off the Stomach
Ginger and Lime
Scrape an inch of fresh ginger root with a vegetable peeler or with the edge of a knife or spoon. Grate the peeled ginger, or chop finely. Mix with freshly squeezed juice from half a lime, and drink back quickly, preferably in one swallow.
Peppermint Tea
An herbal tea made with peppermint can help aid digestion and reduce stomach bloating. Peppermint is a carminative substance, which is a preparation that will prevent gas forming in the gastrointestinal tract. Peppermint is very effective when taken before a meal as a preventive measure.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile is an herb derived from a flowering plant that looks like a daisy. Chamomile tea is frequently used to calm an upset stomach, because the herb stimulates the gastric juices, aiding liver and digestive system function. Chamomile will help sooth symptoms of nausea and bloating, as well as stomach upsets caused by stress or nervousness. Chamomile is also useful as a remedy for menstrual cramps and ulcers. It is most commonly sold in teabag form, and can be found at grocery and health stores.
Taking fennel can be an effective method of dealing with excessive stomach gases. Make a fennel infusion by pouring boiling water into a cup with 1 to 2 tsps. of dried fennel. Cover the cup and allow the dried leaves to steep for around 15 minutes before straining and drinking.
Parsley is another herb that is well-known for it's ability to help dispel uncomfortable sensations associated with eating too many gassy foods. Chew a few leaves of parsley after eating a heavy meal to dispel excess gas and aid digestion.
Carbonated Water
Paradoxically, drinking fizzy carbonated water will help relieve stomach bloat and excess gas, since it will help encourage the release of gases.