Transfer Factors and Tri-Factors
Transfer Factor Description
T lymphocytes or T cells are a type of white blood cell that plays a major role in immune system responses. There are several types of T cells which serve in regulatory, memory, cytoxic, helper and natural killer functions. One T cell can interact with other T cells in the system to transfer information about bacteria, viruses and tumors which are threatening the body. The information contained in T cells can be taken from one individual and introduced to another individual to help the recipient fight off viruses and bacteria with which they have had no prior experience. This response can prevent or limit the duration illness.
Transfer Factor Sources
Transfer factors, or memories from T cells, are naturally transferred to children with breast milk as well as blood that passes through the placenta and umbilical cord. Transfer factors can also be found in the milk of other animals and the eggs of fowl. These transfer factors provide immunity to the offspring until the offspring's immune system can develop and learn how to fight off infections on its own.
Extensive studies have been conducted on the uses of transfer factors in medicine. Researchers have pulled the factors from a variety of sources to include breast milk, blood, fetal tissue and egg yolk. These factors have been found to be useful in the treatment of a variety of conditions including herpes, acute infections in children, yeast infections and chronic fatigue syndrome. Transfer factors have not been beneficial in treating hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, asthma, warts, extreme acne and the majority of cancers.
Tri-Factor is a product manufactured by 4Life as a dietary supplement. The supplement is comprised of components derived from egg yolks and cow colostrum. These components are combined with gelatin and malodextrin to preserve and stabilize the components in a pill form. These components were chosen by 4Life due to research indicating the presence of transfer factors and the possible effects on immune system health, according to the manufacturer.
The Federal Drug Administration has not certified the assertions of 4Life in regards to Tri-factor. The FDA has also issued a warning about these products which specifically states that the formula has not been tested. The company is not able to state that the product can prevent, diagnose, mitigate, treat or cure any disease or condition.