What Is Mint Rubbing?
Mint Rubbing
Mint helps to aid in relaxation. According to the Romanian Mint Rubbing Association, mint rubbing is a “time and life management technique” that millions of people around the world participate in. The scent is supposed to give rubbers a sense of calm and peace that allows them to open their mind, relax and get away from the problems of their day. Mint rubbers are supposed to find time each day to sit with ground mint and rub it between their fingers. Others might go further and rub whole-leaf mint on various parts of their body.
"History" of Mint Rubbing
RMRA would have you believe that Trajan's Column in Rome, Italy indicates that ancient Romans participated in mint rubbing. "Researchers" at the Romanian Mint Rubbing Association have concluded that mint rubbing came to mass popularity thousands of years ago in ancient Rome. They say that the carvings of the Trajan's Column Monument prove that mint rubbing has been a popular pastime since the Romans defeated the Dacians and learned the skill from them. From them on, it is said, the planting of mint gardens became more widespread, and so did the practice of mint rubbing.
How to Rub Mint
Ground mint is said to be the best choice for rubbing mint. The Romanian Mint Rubbing Association released a mint rubbing guide on its website. Keep in mind that this is not actually to be done but was created as a joke. The steps are as follows: 1 – Find a quiet, peaceful location; 2 – Get some rubbing-grade mint; 3 – Rub mint for a minimum of two hours; 4 – Rub some more mint (optional); 5 – Take a break and relax.
Healing Effects of Mint
A cup of peppermint tea after a big meal is said to aid in digestion. Although the phrase "mint rubbing" has taken on a life of its own, the mint plant actually does possess some proven healing qualities (though it isn't necessary for users to rub mint anywhere). Peppermint oil in particular has been used to aid in digestion by increasing the acidity in the stomach, easing intestinal cramps and performing duties as an analgesic. It is also known to calm headaches, relax the muscles, aid in easing the pain of rheumatism and even help calm colicky babies. On top of this, mint is an excellent breath freshener, which is why it is often used in toothpaste.