How to Treat Burns Herbally
Things You'll Need
- 2 or 3 fresh carrots
- 4 oz.. comfrey root
- Grater
- Piece of clean white cloth
- Surgical gauze or kitchen film
- 6 oz.. St John's wort flowers
- 1 quart olive oil
- Large jar with lid
- 3 heads ripe elderberries
- 2 tbsp. honey
- Small dish
- Spoon
- 1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
- 3 tbsp. water
- Aloe vera leaf
- Knife
Prepare a Poultice
Grate finely either two or three carrots or 4 oz. fresh comfrey root onto a plate.
Cover the burned skin with a thin layer of the grated root or vegetable.
Cover the poultice and skin with a piece of clean white cloth and fix it in place using either surgical tape or kitchen film.
Leave the poultice in place for three or four hours. Remove the herb or vegetables and repeat the process until the pain has subsided and the inflammation has started to lessen.
Prepare a Maceration
Place 6 oz.. fresh St John's wort flower heads into a large jar with one quart olive oil. Secure the lid tightly.
Shake the jar well and place it in direct sunlight for six to eight weeks, shaking it every day.
Strain off the oil from the flowers and store it in a clean, corked bottle until required.
Apply a liberal coating of oil -- using a piece of clean cloth -- to any area affected by a burn. Repeat the process as many times as required, to soothe pain and inflammation.
Apply a Lotion
Crush 3 tbsp. fresh, ripe elderberries and mix them with 2 tbsp. honey. Alternatively, mix 1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice with 3 tbsp. water.
Use a piece of clean cloth to apply the lotion to the burned area of skin. This provides a soothing and cooling lotion that promotes healing.
Repeat the application as required, to reduce pain and inflammation.
Apply a Gel
Cut a leaf of aloe vera from its plant. Split or slice it to reveal the gel inside.
Rub the aloe vera gel directly from the leaf onto the burned area.
Spread a little of the gel on the underside of a leaf and place it directly onto the burn. Secure this with a piece of white cloth and surgical tape or kitchen film.
Leave the leaf in place for three or four hours, until the pain and inflammation have started to subside.