About Pascalite Clay
Pascalite clay was discovered in the 1930s by a trapper named Emile Pascal. He and his friend Ray Pendergraft worked together to mine and manufacture the substance after Pascal accidentally discovered some of its healing powers on his chapped, scraped hands. It is also believed that Native American used it as a healing balm, and there are accounts recorded of healings and recoveries from serious diseases and skin ailments after the application or ingestion of pascalite.
Ray Pendergraft and his wife, Peggy, believed so strongly in the unusual product that they took over the promotion and manufacture of the clay after the original company, Labbe Products, failed. Ray Pendergraft continued to proclaim the health benefits of the product until his death in 1998.
Pascalite clay is mined underground at a 9,000-foot elevation to retain its purity and value. It is solar dried and then shipped to a manufacturing site and ground into a powder that is used in a variety of medicinal and personal care products. The powder is reformulated into pills, capsules and poultices, depending on the intended application of the clay.
The cream-colored clay is put to a variety of uses and can be taken internally and applied externally, depending on the symptoms of the user. It is used as a colon cleanser, facial mask, deodorant, toothpaste and first aid for burns, among other things. Farmers and pet owners use the clay for lesions and sores on their animals and have been known to report extraordinary results. Although the compounds derived from pascalite have not been approved by the FDA, meticulous records kept by Ray Pendergraft and studies by scientists support the effectiveness of the homeopathic product.
The most common form of medicinal pascalite is a powder. Pascalite is available in many forms from Internet companies and health food stores. The elements contained within the clay, including magnesium, iron, copper and other vital nutrients, make it highly prized by individuals seeking natural remedies for themselves, their families, livestock or pets.