Herbs for Helping With Studying & Concentration
Schisandra fruit is said to boost a student's mental alertness and improve concentration. The fruit of the Schisandra chinensis, also known as Wu-Wei-Zu, is said to increase energy, reduce stress and improve mental alertness. It balances body function, boosts stamina and reduces fatigue without making the user feel jittery. It is also said to improve reflex time, concentration and reduce irritability. Schisandra extract or capsules sometimes cause digestive upset in large amounts, but the "PDR for Herbal Medicines" notes that it has no known health hazards when used as directed.
Traditional herbalists recommend ginseng for improving memorty. Herbalists recommend both Siberian and panax ginseng teas and supplements for mental alertness, increased attention span, memory retention, stress and fatigue reduction. Students appreciate that users report a reduction in errors and better performance. A randomized, double-blind study on panex ginseng, reported in the Oct. 15, 2003, edition of the "American Family Physician" revealed that, over an eight-week period, 112 volunteers demonstrated improvement in abstract thinking and faster reaction times.
A 2003 Russian study conducted by Arushanian, et al, demonstrated that volunteers who took Siberian ginseng over a three-month period experienced memory improvement over those who took a placebo. Ginseng sometimes causes irregular heartbeat, confusion and high blood pressure. It may also potentiate insulin, so use with caution.
Yerba Mate
Yerba mate is a stimulant that provides a calmer effect than coffee. Herbalists recommend yerba mate, also known as Mate Ilex paraguariensis, as a tea or infusion for improved concentration without affecting sleep, and relief of mental and physical fatigue. It contains caffeine and tannins. With proper use according to accepted dosages, it has no apparent health hazards or negative side effects.
Students use rosemary in various forms to improve concentration and relieve stress. Students use rosemary as a food additive, tea, herbal supplement or essential oil. Traditional herbalists recommend it as a stimulant, memory enhancer and to improve brain function. The essential oil improves concentration and mental clarity, and it relieves fatigue and stress. With with caution, as rosemary lowers blood pressure and may interfere with ACE inhibitors prescribed for high blood pressure. The herb may also potentiate blood sugar medication. Herbalists do not recommended it internally for pregnant or nursing women because the herb stimulates uterine contractions, but it is used safely in cooking or aromatherapy. It may interact with aspirin and blood thinner, increasing bleeding. It also may increase diarrhea for those on diuretics.