Herbs That Aid in Thicker Longer Hair Growth
Thinning hair is often a result of age, hormone changes or a side effect of taking certain medications that contain lithium or mercury. If you want to take a natural approach to improving the health and growth rate of your hair, there are a few herbal supplements that may improve the health of your hair follicle and cause your hair to grow thicker and longer.-
Licorice keeps the hair from falling out, which is important for individuals who are prone to hair loss due to genetics or stress. The herb also helps to make the hair thicker. This is especially beneficial for people who suffer from alopecia, or chronic thinning of the hair. You can find licorice in capsule form at most grocery stores. The supplement helps to settle the stomach, lower fever, and relieve headaches, according to the Herb Wisdom website (herbwisdom.com).
Silica is one of the main ingredients in horsetail, an herb that helps to strengthen the hair and protect it from breakage. According to the Herbs Online website (herbsonline.net), horsetail also gives the hair an attractive sheen when the supplement is used as directed. The silica in horsetail also helps to revitalize the skin's connective tissues and is a common ingredient in herbal solutions that treat pattern baldness.
Thorn Apple
Thorn Apple, also called Jimsonweed, has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to treat tuberculosis and digestive ailments. Individuals who want to prevent hair loss and promote growth should drink the juice from the thorn apple fruit. However, it's important not to take too much of this herb. According to the Natural News website (naturalnews.com), high doses of Thorn Apple bring on irregular heartbeat and could possibly result in a coma, as the herb contains the toxins scopolamine and hyoscyamine.
Gingko Biloba
Taking Gingko biloba regularly helps to improve circulation and stimulates the flow of blood to the skin and brain. According to Herbs for Hair Loss.com, herbalists believe that patients who experience balding or thinning hair can take Gingko biloba to increase the blood flow to the brain, which lends more nutrients to the hair follicles and fosters the hair growth or regrowth process naturally.
Ginseng helps the body to adapt to stressful situations and is known as an adaptogen. Since stress is often a factor in hair loss, taking ginseng regularly can keep the hair from falling from the follicle, which makes for longer hair. Ginseng has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine and is also useful for treating lethargy or arthritis.
Dong Quai
Dong Quai can stop hair loss and promote thicker and stronger hair regrowth. The herb, also known as Chinese angelica, is rich in phytoestrogens which slows down the formation of DHT, or Dihydrotestosterone, a male sex hormone that is often responsible for hair loss in men. Dong Quai is even more effective when combined with nettle to create a solution that makes the hair stronger and thicker.