How to Make Alkaline Water With Indian Spices
Things You'll Need
- 4 cups distilled water
- Fresh ginger root
- Ground ginger
- Ground turmeric
- Ground mustard
- Ground cinnamon
- Honey -- optional
- Lemon -- optional
- Pot
Bring 4 cups of water, preferably distilled -- so it will have no fluoride in it -- to a boil in a small pot.
Slices of fresh ginger added to hot water make a digestion-boosting alkaline drink. Add 1 teaspoon of your preferred spice -- ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, mustard or curry -- to the boiling water. In the case of ginger, you may use the powdered spice, or you can use two or three thin slices of fresh ginger cut from a ginger root.
Lower the heat under the pot, so that the liquid is at a gentle simmer. Let it stay on the heat for eight to 10 minutes.
Remove the pot from the heat and strain the liquid through a tea strainer or paper coffee filter into a container.
Alkaline drinks help you remove harmful acids from your system. Drink the alkaline tea one cup at a time every few hours. Honey and lemon can be added, if you desire. The drink can be reheated and drunk hot, allowed to cool to room temperature or chilled in the fridge.