How to Make Lobelia Extract
Things You'll Need
- Glass jar with tight fitting lid
- Sharp knife
- Strong grain alcohol
- Purified water
- Cheesecloth
- Strainer
- Large glass bowl
- Amber bottles
Chop fresh 2 oz. fresh lobelia finely, using a sharp knife. Alternatively, you may use a blender or coffee grinder.
Place the chopped lobelia in a clean, dry glass jar the size of a canning jar.
Mix grain alcohol and room temperature, purified water together in a combination of 50% alcohol and 50% water. Pour the grain alcohol mixture into the jar until the mixture level is 3 inches above the lobelia.
Put the tight fitting lid on the container, placing a plastic bag between the lid and the jar top edge to keep rust contamination from the extract. Shake the jar, mixing the contents thoroughly. Place in a dark, cool spot for six weeks. Shake the jar contents every few days during that time period to accelerate the extraction process.
Strain the herbs into a large glass bowl after six weeks, using a strainer lined with cheesecloth. Tightly squeeze the cheesecloth to extract every drop.
Pour the strained extract into bottles, preferably amber colored bottles, since this color protects the extract from light. Bottle size is personal preference. Store your extracts in a cool, dark place. The extracts have a shelf life of at least 3 to 5 years.