Healthy Way to Clean Your Body Out at Home
Things You'll Need
- Probiotics
Reduce your exposure to toxins. You cannot properly cleanse toxin buildup, if you are putting toxins back into your system. Abstain from smoking, drinking coffee and soda, and from using non-essential medications, especially during the detoxification process.
Cleanse your body of toxins by abstaining from solid foods for 3 to 7 days. The body will begin to remove toxins during a fast, since there is no food to digest. Drink plenty of fresh juices and broths to remove toxins faster, while keeping you satiated. Choose chlorophyll, carrot, apple or other leafy green vegetable juices to help your body cleanse.
Add a probiotic supplement to your routine. Take a probiotic daily with meals to help your cleanse. Probiotics are a friendly microorganism that maintain the acid-alkaline balance in the colon, make it difficult for bad pathogens to exist, boost your immune system, help regulate bowel movements, and reduce diarrhea and constipation.
Maintain your clean and healthy body after the detoxification process. Stay away from processed and refined foods, sugars, and saturated and trans fats which can undo the toxin cleansing you just performed. Continue your consumption of colorful vegetables and fruits, water and herbal teas, and whole-grain breads, cereals, pasta and rice.