Properties Of Nettles
What is a Nettle?
A nettle is a common garden plant originally from the northern parts of Europe and parts of Asia. It is far more widespread in modern times. They usually grow to be a couple of feet tall. They are noticeable by their heart-shaped leaves. The flowers of the nettle plant are either yellow or pink. The leaves have small hairs on their bottom side that release chemicals. This is what causes a nettle's trademark sting.
In England in the 1600s, doctors suggested nettles for gangrene and cold-like ailments. Native Americans also used this plant to sooth sore muscles and aches. In continental Europe, the nettle was used for arthritis. Once dried and crushed thoroughly, the nettle can be used in treating breathing problems. Similarly, nettle capsules may also be effective in treating hay fever symptoms, according to the University of Maryland. It is not uncommon for people to use nettles to treat urinary problems.
It may be dangerous to take nettles while on medications. It can affect how well blood thinners work, for example. This includes aspirin. It may also interfere with diuretics and blood pressure medications. Aside from the obvious sting that nettles can cause, nettles seldom cause serious discomfort. It can cause minor stomach upsets including diarrhea, stomach pain and nausea.
Different problems require different amounts of the extract from nettles to treat. Dosages are also still being experimented with in a clinical setting. There are alternative means of preparation to consume nettles however. These include brewing the nettles as a tea. This simply requires steeping dried nettle leaf in boiling water for around five minutes. Drinking extra water is recommended when taking this tea, and it is recommended that users drink at least two cups of nettle tea a day.