What Are the Properties of the Herb Sweet Annie?
Sweet annie is also known in the West as wormwood or sweet wormwood, and is referred to in China as Qing Hao. This herbal plant has been used in China for treating fever and malaria since the 7th century, according to The Herb Companion website. Western herbalist also use sweet annie for this purpose. Sweet annie's medicinal properties have created a strong tradition for use as a remedy for a wide range of ailments.-
Anti-malarial Properties
Sweet annie has long been known for its anti-malarial properties. According to the Jade Institute website, sweet annie has been called the the most promising treatment for malaria discovered in the last 300 years. Sweet annie contains artemisinin, which is known to be a more effective treatment for killing malarial parasites than conventional drugs. Treatments using sweet annie are inexpensive and readily available.
Anti-bacterial Properties
Sweet annie is an aromatic anti-bacterial herbal plant. Leaves of the plant have properties that are antiseptic, digestive and febrifuge -- a substance that reduces fever. As an antiperiodic, sweet annie prevents the periodic return of a disease or symptom. Used as an infusion, the leaves treat internal ailments such as colds, fever, indigestion, diarrhea and certain bacterial diseases. Externally, the leaves are prepared as a poultice and used in the treatment of boils, abscesses and nose bleeds, according to the Natural Medicinal Herbs website. In Chinese medicine, the herb is also used to cool the blood and stop bleeding, clear summer heat and clear fever due to deficiencies.
Home Pharmacy Uses
For home pharmacy uses, sweet annie is made into a traditional tincture, infusion or cider vinegar tincture, according to "Growing 101 Herbs That Heal." Either fresh or dried aerial parts are used. However, the herb should only be used with the supervision of an experienced herbalist.
Description and Artemisinin Content
Sweet annie (Artemisia annua), is a bushy annual plant growing 2 to 9 feet tall, with aromatic fern-like leaves. Flowers are yellow-green and tiny with blooms arriving during August to September. The artemisinin content of the sweet annie plant -- the active constituent in anti-malarial treatment -- is at its peak in late July to late August, before the plant flowers. For medicinal purposes, the best sweet annie plant has dark green leaves with yellowish green stems and an intense fragrance indicating superior quality.
Additional Medicinal Uses
Historically, sweet annie -- known as wormwood -- has been used to treat gout, seasickness, intoxication and food poisoning, according to "Growing 101 Herbs That Heal." Additionally, the herb is used today to treat gastrointestinal problems and women's health concerns.