The Recommended Uses for Grapefruit Seed Crush
For the Body
Grapefruit seed crush is an all-natural cleanser that helps eliminate bad breath and dandruff. You can dilute the extract with water and gargle with it. It will also help with those pesky mouth sores and sore throats. The grapefruit seed crush kills the germs that cause strep throat. Mix in few drops of the extract with your shampoo and it should help get rid of those white flakes. Due to its anti-fungal properties you can also spray it on athlete's foot. Always dilute the extract with water.
Stomach Bugs
The stomach flu and food poisoning are normally caused by parasites and bacteria. Grapefruit seed crush can help alleviate those uncomfortable symptoms associated with any stomach bug. Just mix a few drops of extract with water and swallow as often as recommended on the label of the extract. The extract will help kill off whatever is ailing you. If you are taking a trip out of the country take this extract with you, it will keep your body clean and safe when trying exotic foods or drinking water in other places.
Mold is a household nuisance, but using grapefruit seed crush can help eliminate that black mold that has been growing underneath the kitchen or bathroom sink. Instead of using harmful chemicals, just mix some of the extract with water and scrub away that nasty mold. Grapefruit seed crush is powerful against the fungus that grows on your body as well as in your home.
Say goodbye to all those different bottles of Lysol and bleach. All you need is some extract mixed with water and you can have a squeaky clean home. Grapefruit seed crush fights off parasites and bacteria, so you can use it as a countertop cleaner as well as a bathroom cleaner. It is a very powerful disinfectant. You can also put a few drops on baby wipes and you have your own anti-bacterial wipes, perfect for wiping down public toilet seats.