Side Effects of Ingesting Tea Tree Oil
Side Effects
Ingesting tea tree oil is toxic to humans and animals alike. While some natural toothpastes and mouthwashes may include tea tree oil, always rinse your mouth with warm water to remove tea tree oil residue and do not swallow. When using tea tree oil in any homemade preparation, always dilute the oil thoroughly, and do not ingest. Consuming tea tree oil can also result in damage to the liver and kidneys, tremors, confusion, motor impairment and comas. Many of these side effects are not reversible.
Infants and Children
Tea tree oil is equally dangerous to children as it is to adults. Make sure to keep tea tree oil in locked cupboards away from children's reach. Tea tree oil should not be used topically by pregnant women, nor should it be ingested.
Animals should never ingest tea tree oil, as it is even more toxic to many species. Reports from the National Animal Posison Control Center indicate that tea tree oil is not just toxic to animals when consumed, but even when applied to the skin of young animals. Since many animals groom themselves with their tongues, the oil applied to the skin can also be ingested. The smaller and younger the animal, the higher the chance of toxicity.
What to Do
If you consume tea tree oil in any amount, immediately rinse the mouth thoroughly and expel the water quickly. Contact your local poison control center, emergency room or physician. Do not attempt to vomit or force your body to discharge the tea tree oil in any way.