How to Simulate Gingergrass Essential Oil
Things You'll Need
- Lemongrass essential oil
- Black pepper essential oil
- Ginger essential oil
- Almond oil
- 2 oz bottle with lid
- Gloves
- Rubber band
Put on gloves. Essential oils can be very strong and when touched directly can cause skin irritation. Fill two-thirds of the bottle with almond oil, a carrier oil used to dilute essential oils and make application to the skin easier.
Add 3 drops of lemongrass oil to the almond oil. Lemongrass will simulate the clean earthen scent of gingergrass. Lemongrass, like gingergrass, alleviates stress and invigorates the senses.
Add 3 drops of ginger essential oil to the blend. Close the bottle top and shake well. Ginger mimics the woodsy scent of gingergrass and its ability to warm muscles and relieve tension.
Add 3 drops of black pepper essential oil. Close the bottle top and shake to combine. Black pepper simulates the crisp scent and improves circulation when applied to the skin, one of the key uses of gingergrass.
Add more lemongrass oil to the mixture if the scent is too sharp. The mixture should have a herbal earthen scent. If it is too clean, add more black pepper. Work with the scents, one drop at a time, shaking the bottle with each new addition. When you are satisfied with the mixture, close the lid and wash the outside of the bottle to remove any drops of essential oil. Place a rubber band around the middle of the bottle to catch any drops that may fall when using the mixture.