How to Process Saw Palmetto Berries
Things You'll Need
- Vegetable glycerin
- Alcohol
- Apple cider vinegar
- Sterilized glass bottle
- Coffee grinder
- Vegetable glycerin capsules
Process into a Saw Palmetto Tincture
Find fresh saw palmetto berries directly from the source, or from herb farmers. If you can't find fresh berries, opt for high-quality dried ones from a natural foods or herb store. Because the fatty acids in the saw palmetto berries go rancid, inquire about the freshness of them.
Chop fresh saw palmetto berries into small pieces and fill a clean, dry glass bottle or jar with the plant material. If you're using dried berries, grind into a powder using a coffee grinder and add to the container.
Fill the jar to the very top with either apple cider vinegar, vegetable glycerin or alcohol. Submerge all of the saw palmetto berries in the liquid.
Cap the jar, so no air can get in. You can add plastic wrap or wax paper before adding the lid to ensure it's air-tight.
Place the saw palmetto tincture in a warm place for 4 to 6 weeks. Shake it daily for at least 30 to 60 seconds, so it is fully agitated.
Strain the liquid and press the pulp, to squeeze out any excess liquid. Pour into a sterile, dark, glass bottle and add an air-tight eyedropper cap for precise measuring.
Label the saw palmetto berry tincture and store it in a cool dark place.
Process into Saw Palmetto Berry Capsules
Dice up fresh saw palmetto berries very finely, or grind dried saw palmetto berries into powder, using a coffee grinder.
Separate the two halves of the vegetable glycerin capsule and hold one half of the empty capsule between your thumb and finger.
Scoop the saw palmetto berries into the capsule. Powdered saw palmetto berries are easier to work with, but the fresh berries are still more potent.
Place the other half of the capsule on top of the herb-filled half and snap it together. Continue this process for the rest of the plant material.