Natural Dental Alternatives for Cleaning Gums
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is effective in keeping gums free of infection and can work as an anti-inflammatory. Tea tree oil can be used as a rinse or applied as a gel. Frequent use helps keeps gums clean and can reduce the chances of Gingivitis. According to, tea tree oil was effective in killing 14 out of 15 types of mouth bacteria.
Green Tea
Green tea has several health benefits but can also be effective in cleaning both teeth and gums. Green tea extracts are full of antioxidants that are effective in fighting plaque buildup and eventual tooth decay. Green tea is also effective in fighting gum disease. says a study was done where green tea strips were used on patients with various stages of periodontal disease. A reduction in bacteria was achieved as well as pocket depth caused by the disease.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C has several benefits for the body. However, it also is beneficial to a person's gums. In addition to its natural antiseptic properties, vitamin C also helps to promote new tissue growth. quotes a study involving patients with gingivitis. With increased quantities of vitamin C added to their diet they all showed improvement in growth of new gum tissue.
Salt and Water
Salt and water mixed together makes one of the oldest and most effective natural gum cleaners available. Mixing a teaspoon of salt with a glass of warm water and swishing it about in your mouth helps to fight bacteria as well as clean teeth and gums. Salt is a natural disinfectant and can also help speed the healing of mouth sores.