The Uses for Yellow Dock Root Tinctures
Herbalists harvest yellow dock, or Rumex crispus, roots and leaves in many parts of the world. The fresh or dried root is used most often, but some herbalist use the seeds and leaves also. Yellow dock is safe when used as directed, but poisoning can occur when consuming fresh leaves. It is not recommended for those who have had kidney stones, blood clotting issues or intestinal blockages. Never use it when taking diuretics or digoxin. Consult an experienced herbalist if pregnant or breastfeeding.-
The high iron content of yellow dock tincture assists the body to assimilate dietary iron in patients with iron deficient anemia. It releases iron in the circulatory system and aids the body in the absorption of blood proteins. The liver cleansing and supportive properties of yellow dock tincture treat jaundice symptoms and stimulates bile production. The balance of nutrients in yellow dock and its laxative properties prevent the constipation properties that often accompany some iron supplements. Suggested dosage is 1/2 tsp. of the tincture twice daily.
Yellow dock tincture soothes the tickling cough that coughing doesn't relieve. It proves effective with chronic coughs that are accompanied by hacking and fatigue with little mucus expectorated. It gives especially effective results on coughs that worsen when you are outside. It reduces mucus membrane and lung inflammation that increase coughing and difficulty breathing. Patients with toxic sore throats and enlarged throat-area lymph nodes experience relief. For coughs, take 1/2 tsp. of the tincture every four to six hours.
Yellow dock can aid in liver detoxification and blood purification. A dropperful of tincture under the tongue, held for 30 seconds, can eliminate wastes and toxins in internal tissues, gall bladder and the liver. It proves especially effective for chronic toxic conditions. People who have chronic digestive difficulties accompanied by intestinal bloating and shortness of breathe experience relief with the use of yellow dock tincture.
The astringent properties of yellow dock prove effective against acne, skin problems, bleeding hemorrhoids and ulcers and dysentery. One tsp. of the tincture can be taken internally every six hours for these conditions. For acne, skin diseases and hemorrhoids, the tincture can be dabbed on the skin or used as a poultice.
Yellow dock tincture creates a mild laxative effect. It corrects slow and congested intestinal tracts and improves digestive function. Yellow dock tincture is mild enough to use for constipation during pregnancy and with elderly patients. It can remove parasites as it stimulates the colon. Common dosage is 1 tsp. of tincture every four to six hours.