How to Improve Colon Health
Things You'll Need
- Probiotic
Fix your diet. Common contributors for poor colon health are foods that are refined and processed, like sugar and white flour, coffee and soda, too much cheese and fats, and poor nutrient and dietary fiber intake. Stop or limit your intake of red meats, candy, refined breads and pasta, coffee and soda.
Increase your consumption of colorful vegetables and fruits. These are sources full of powerful antioxidants, nutrients and fiber. Fiber, found only in plant foods, absorb toxins and provide the colon with bulk, allowing waste material to move smoothly. Eat whole-grain breads, cereals, pasta and rice. Drink more water with your fiber to help move waste through your colon.
Add a probiotic supplement to your routine. Probiotics, a friendly microorganism that enhances your colon health, induce benefits for your body when consumed. They make it difficult for bad pathogens to exist within your colon, stimulate your immune system, help regulate bowel movements, and reduce diarrhea and constipation.
Exercise three to four times a week for 30 minutes to improve colon health. Exercise stimulates your colon and helps the peristalsis muscles, responsible for moving waste, to work properly.