How to Get Rid of Cold Sores With Nail Polish Remover

It is possible to get rid of a cold sore by applying nail polish remover to the infected area. Nail polish remover contains chemicals that act as a poison to the cold sire, causing it to heal in less time overall. By applying it to the sore with either a cotton swab or a tissue for ten seconds at first sign of an outbreak, the chemicals in the nail polish remover will start to dry out the area of the living infection.

Things You'll Need

  • Cotton swabs or tissues
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      Wash your face and hands thoroughly with soap and water. Cold sores are extremely contagious, and touching the infected area with your hands can cause it to spread to other areas of your face and body. Cleaning the affected area before applying treatment helps prevent the infection from spreading as well.

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      Dip the cotton swab or tissue into the bottle of nail polish remover. Some bottle types may require you to tab the tissue with the nail polish remover, instead of being able to dip it inside of it. Make sure that a generous amount is applied to the cotton swab or tissue, in order for it to cover as much of the infected area as possible.

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      Hold the tissue or cotton swab on the infected area of skin for ten seconds. The cold sore will start to dry and heal without leaving a blister in a couple of days.

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