Fibrous Herbs
One of the highest-fiber herbs known to man, alfalfa is often considered one of the most nutritious plants on Earth. Alfalfa leaves are high in vitamins E and K, carotene, calcium and protein. A common component of traditional Chinese medicine, alfalfa is often used to treat kidney stones, reduce swelling, help with urinary tract infections and detoxify the liver. Known as "the father of all foods," this fibrous herb is used as a folk remedy for many conditions, including diabetes and arthritis.
Commonly used as a remedy for upset stomach, sore throat, nausea, colic and motion sickness, ginger is a light brown knobby root. This fibrous root is very common in Asian cuisine and is used not only in alternative medicine but also as a seasoning. Ginger as a healing herb is most commonly found in cough medicines and in teas and other liquid tonics.
Often associated with gods and goddesses in Greek mythology, fennel is fibrous bulbous plant with celery-like stalks and feathery green leaves that produce seeds. Fennel is believed to boost the function of the immune system and help to lower cholesterol. Praised for its powerful antioxidant properties, fennel is a good source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C, which may help neutralize free radicals that can cause cellular damage.
Flax Seed
Extracted from an annual summer flower, flax seed contains high amounts of linoleic acid, essential proteins and fiber. Flax seed is used in folk medicine to ease menstrual side effects, relieve constipation, increase colon health, and treat laryngitis and other throat and bronchial-related ailments. Although flax seed does not contain essential oils, the extracted oil is rich in essential fatty acids and has been shown to reduce swelling and inflammation.