Uses for Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar
Acid Reflux
People who suffer from acid reflux and heartburn may see relief by taking a tablespoon of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar prior to eating. According to the Brain Research Institute at UCLA, apple cider vinegar can counteract the acidifying effects of sugar, meat and cheese, which are common in the diet of Americans. In certain circumstances, using unpasteurized apple cider vinegar may allow for the healing of the stomach lining and esophagus.
Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar is a treatment for sunburn. The Sun Protection Outreach Teaching by Students program recommends using apple cider vinegar as an addition to bathwater. Soaking in this solution can help reduce the pain and inflammation that sunburn causes.
Apple cider vinegar is a traditional remedy for environmental and pet allergies. Total Wellbeing Resources lists it among potential treatments for allergies and sinus problems, noting that the abundance of vitamins in unpasteurized apple cider vinegar can help alleviate allergen-caused sinus congestion.
High Blood Sugar
Researchers have conducted several studies regarding the effect of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar on those with high blood sugar. One study, reported by the Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits website, saw a 34 percent drop in blood sugar level of pre-diabetics who took apple cider vinegar two minutes before they ate a carbohydrate-heavy meal. Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar can be a powerful tool in fighting diabetes.