How to Draw a Splinter to the Surface of Your Foot
Things You'll Need
- Banana peel
- Adhesive bandage
- 1 tsp. bicarbonate of soda
- Water
- Tomato
- Orange
- Honey
Cut a small piece of banana peel, big enough to cover the wound. Place it over the wound (skin side out) and keep in place with an adhesive bandage. Leave overnight. Enzymes from the banana skin will draw the splinter to the surface. If you leave the banana skin on for long enough, the enzymes will dissolve the splinter altogether.
Make a paste by adding water to a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. Gently apply the past to the affected area and cover with an adhesive bandage. Leave for a couple of hours. Check periodically to see if the splinter is out. The bicarbonate of soda causes the skin to swell, thereby dislodging the splinter and drawing it to the surface.
Cut a small slice of fresh tomato or orange. Place on the wound and cover with an adhesive bandage. The enzymes in the fruit will draw the splinter to the surface. Leave covered for a couple of hours. Check progress periodically. If the splinter has not moved, reapply the fruit bandage.
Apply a small dab of honey to the affected area and cover with an adhesive bandage. The splinter will be drawn to the surface of the skin by the enzymes in the honey. The honey also acts as a natural antibiotic.