Properties of Fenugreek Seed
Fenugreek seeds increase the supply of milk in the breasts of lactating mothers. This because fenugreek is a natural galactogogue, a substance which aids in the increase of a mother's milk supply. Mothers who take fenugreek seeds usually notice an increase in the flow of milk within the first 24 to 72 hours of taking the herb. Many natural health food or vitamin stores sell fenugreek in capsule form. The capsules come in 500-milligram doses, and 3,000 milligrams daily are needed to stimulate milk flow.
Fenugreek contains the active compounds 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which can help support healthy sugar metabolism and healthy glucose levels. The body's ability to manage blood sugar plays in important role in overall health and high-glycemic carbs and sugar-laden food, together with lack of exercise, can pose a serious challenge to the body's glucose/insulin regulatory system. Fenugreek helps in the regulation of blood sugar levels. 4-Hydroxyisoleucine is an amino-acid derivative that helps the pancreas produce insulin, helps reduce glucose resistance and improves the uptake of glucose.
Culinary Properties
Fenugreek has an aromatic bittersweet taste that is reminiscent of burnt sugar. It has a bitter aftertaste similar to lovage or celery. The aromatic taste can be enhanced by roasting the seeds and grinding them. The main culinary use of fenugreek is in mixing curry powders and is used to make panch phoron, the Indian five-spice mixture. This mixture is used in preparing vegetables and halvah, a kind of sweetmeat. Fenugreek is also used to prepare chutneys, gelatins, chewing gum and soft drinks. Other culinary uses include preparing ice creams, icing, puddings and syrups.
Other Properties of Fenugreek
Fenugreek has anti-inflammatory properties and is also used as a digestive aid. Fenugreek is used as a topical cure for skin conditions like abscesses, burns, boils and eczema. The seed is ground into a powder, mixed with warm water into a smooth paste and applied directly to the site if the problem as a poultice. Fenugreek seeds contain mucilage which helps manage gastrointestinal inflammation by coating the lining of the stomach.