Uses of Goldenseal Leaf Powder
Goldenseal roots are ground into powder, which is available in capsules. The powder is sometimes sprinkled directly onto wounds as a disinfectant. But it is more often used in tea, tinctures (including mouthwash and eyewash), a syrup, douche, or paste.
Goldenseal Tea
Gargle with goldenseal tea to soothe a sore throat. Goldenseal tea can be drunk to combat infections, sore throats, colds and flu. It is also used as a gargle for sore gums and canker sores. To make goldenseal tea, mix one teaspoon of powder into two cups of hot water and stir. You should only take one or two teaspoons of the tea no more than three to six times a day.
The tea mixture may also be used as an external wash for skin irritations.
Goldenseal Tinctures
Goldenseal can be used in a tincture to soothe irritated eyes. You can use goldenseal tinctures either as an eyewash, or as a vaginal douche. To make the eyewash, mix 1/2 teaspoon of goldenseal powder and 1/4 teaspoon of salt into one cup of sterile water. Make sure you strain out any particles in the eyewash, and do not use it if the eyewash looks cloudy; this indicates the presence of bacteria. To make a douche to treat a yeast infections, mix a tablespoon of powder in a quart of warm water.
Goldenseal Syrup
Mix goldenseal powder with honey to remedy an upset stomach. Goldenseal syrup can be taken to quell an upset stomach or to cure diarrhea. It can be made by mixing 1/4 teaspoon of goldenseal powder into a teaspoon of honey and can be taken once or twice a day for three to four days.
Goldenseal Paste
To treat athlete's foot, make a paste by combining equal amounts of goldenseal powder, cinnamon, and oregano. Moisten the combined powders with enough alcohol to make a paste, and apply between the affected toes with a Q Tip.
Warnings About Goldenseal Use
If you are pregnant, you should not use goldenseal. Goldenseal can irritate the mucous membranes such as the inside of the mouth, the throat and the vagina; it can also irritate the skin. In addition, large doses of berberine can be toxic or even fatal. Therefore, you should be cautious about using it for more than two weeks at a time. In addition, goldenseal is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure, since in higher doses it can increase hypertension. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not use goldenseal preparations, since berberine stimulates contractions of the uterus.