Uses for Grapefruit Seed Oil
Oral Uses
Grapefruit seed oil can be used to combat cold sores, thrush -- an oral yeast infection -- and bad breath. It can be used as a mouthwash and can also help to treat sunburned lips. It can be used as a toothbrush cleaner and can also help to combat tooth decay and gingivitis. It can also be gargled to soothe a sore throat, cough or laryngitis.
Grapefruit seed oil can act as a disinfectant and can be used to treat skin conditions or wounds. It can be used after shaving to reduce irritation and can help with acne problems. Grapefruit seed oil can also be used to treat athlete's foot and other skin infections. When used as a shampoo, grapefruit seed extract can treat dandruff, head lice and an itching scalp.
Treating Cold Symptoms
Grapefruit seed oil can be mixed with fruit juice to help treat cold symptoms, particularly viral infections that will not respond to antibiotics. The oil can also be made into a nasal spray that can be used at the first signs of nasal congestion to kill germs before they move to the throat. Gargling a mixture of water and grapefruit seed oil can help to kill germs that cause sore throats.
Digestive and Reproductive Issues
Drinking grapefruit seed oil mixed with juice or water may help with ulcers that are caused by bacteria. This drink can also be used to treat many causes of diarrhea. Grapefruit seed oil has also been used by candida sufferers because it can help to kill yeast both internally and externally. Grapefruit seed oil can be made into a douche for feminine care and can also treat some fungal and parasitic diseases of both male and female genitals.