Reactions to Beeswax
The relatively uncommon allergic reaction that beeswax can induce in some individuals is due to the irritating components of propolis. Reactions have been attributed to a particular component called B1. Historically, propolis reactions have been largely occupational in nature; those with recorded outbreaks were primarily beekeepers and musicians and instrument makes who regularly handled instruments coated with varnish containing propolis.
Beeswax reactions most commonly manifest on the skin. Redness, swelling, cracking and itching are all indications that one might be suffering from a beeswax allergy. The allergic symptoms to beeswax are usually mild, though regular occurrence with exposure is not uncommon. Most consumers once aware of their reactions can take preventative methods to avoid recurrence such as discontinuing the use of bee products or taking preventative methods like wearing gloves when handling beeswax.
Unusual Reactions
Severe and persistent symptoms sometimes manifest in patients due to propolis exposure. In most of these cases, the patient received consistent exposure to propolis unknowingly and symptoms improved by limiting exposure. The unusual symptoms include psoriasis, eczema, blistering dermatitis and lesions. In some cases, the patient had manifested symptoms which mimicked other more severe diseases, such as pemphigus vulgaris, resulting in misdiagnosis. One such case resulted in a biopsy of an affected area before making the connection to a propolis allergy.
Most Common Contributors
Although occupational hazards still play a role in the prevalence of beeswax allergy patients, the larger group affected gets exposure through the daily use of bee products. The top two propolis containing products are cosmetics which are applied topically or supplements which are ingested. Use of these is now the leading cause of beeswax reactions for consumers unaware of their own allergies.