Mental Alertness Herbs
Bacopa is used in behavioral disorders and treats memory disturbances, according to It works well for increasing mental clarity and restoring brain cells. This herb is ideal for students since it enhances learning and academic performance. Improvement in articulation and speech defects occur when bacopa is consumed. Several other benefits include strengthening the adrenal glands, decreasing senility, and improving protein synthesis. Bacopa also reduces the effects of nervous anxiety in people of all ages.
Ginkgo Biloba
Known as one of the oldest living tee species, Ginkgo Biloba is among the best-selling herbal medications. This herb can be used to enhance memory functions and improve circulatory disorders. The flavonoids and terpenoids within the plant contain antioxidant properties. These two substances collect harmful free radicals inside the human body which can cause cells to die. Ginkgo is referred to as a brain herb. Medical studies have confirmed it helps improve memory in people with dementia, according to University of Maryland Medical Center.
Guarana is found in more than 100 drinks worldwide and is mostly consumed in Brazil. Commercialized products such as soft drinks, herbal teas and energy shots contain this herb. Studies have shown over time that guarana has positive mental effects, according to Herb Wisdom. For instance, it improves memory and alertness. People who want their mood elevated can obtain results by drinking guarana. Unlike caffeine and xenedrin, guarana is a much safer alternative. Those with predisposed heart conditions should be cautious when consuming stimulants.
Yerba Mate
The indigenous people in South America discovered yerba mate centuries ago. Yerba mate is a nervous system stimulant and provides more than 24 mineral and vitamins to the human body. This herb has the ability to increase mental alertness and boost physical energy. It is also used in the treatment of obesity and gastrointestinal disorders. The polyphenols found within yerba mate act as a preventative against the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath.