Uses for Chinese Culinary Herbs
Chinese Star Anise
Chinese star anise is an herb that is used in cuisine, as well as for its healing properties. The herb is commonly used to help digestive problems, and can also serve as a diuretic. Star anise tea is one way for people to consume a concentrated amount of Chinese star anise to help relax the stomach.
Cinnamon is a spice that traditional Chinese medicine relies on to help with blood circulation. The cinnamon twigs and bark serve two different purposes. According to the Institute for Traditional Medicine, the cinnamon twigs, known as guizhi, are used when peripheral circulation in the body is poor. The cinnamon bark, called rougi, helps when the entire body is cold and needs to be warmed. Cinnamon is said to help correct the balance and flow of the body's circulation, and it is tradition to drink cinnamon tea or eat a cinnamon tablet to get enough of the herb.
Ginger is a popular herb commonly used in Chinese cuisine, and serves as a homeopathic medicine for stomach problems. The herb is spicy and helps to regulate digestion, get rid of digested toxins and warm the body. Chinese uses for it also include helping with morning sickness, motion sickness and food poisoning. Ginger can be brewed as a tea or chewed on to help alleviate stomach symptoms.
Licorice is used in traditional Chinese medicine for helping with digestion and body inflammation. The Institute for Traditional Medicine says that Chinese doctors use licorice for treating muscle spasms, sore throats and it can even be baked with honey for treatment of heart valve diseases. Licorice is intended to be used in small amounts, as too much licorice can have an overdosing effect on the body.
Cloves are used in Chinese medicine as an oral and topical treatment. Clove oil, which is for topical use, can alleviate symptoms of aches and pains on the body, as well as for teeth and gums. Chinese doctors use clove oil to treat injuries and muscular soreness. As an oral treatment, clove works well for helping people fight against infections and illnesses, such as colds and flu because the herb contains high levels of antioxidants.