Herbal Remedies With Dried Flowers
Calendula Balm
A topical balm made of dried calendula flowers has a long history of use in the healing of open wounds and the soothing of irritated skin. Calendula flowers resemble common marigolds, as they bloom in bright shades of yellow, orange and gold. Considered a vulnerary agent, which is a substance that promotes quick healing, due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, dried calendula flowers can be made into a balm or salve for the topical treatment of cuts, bruises, rashes and minor skin infections.
Chrysanthemum Tea
The golden yellow chrysanthemum, scientific name Chrysanthemum morifolium, is the national flower of Japan and one of the most important ingredients in traditional Japanese and Chinese herbal remedies. Chrysanthemum tea is prepared by allowing the dried flowers to steep in hot water for no longer than 10 minutes in a closed container. Chrysanthemum can also be administered by capsule, tincture, cream or lotion. When combined with prunella, dried chrysanthemum flowers are used as a remedy against infection.
Lavender Essential Oil
Essential oil from lavender flowers has been employed in a wide variety of herbal remedies by cultures from across the globe since ancient times. Lavender essential oil, particularly that of Lavandula augustifolia, is still used by herbalists in the treatment of skin problems -- such as eczema, burns, infections and lice -- and respiratory ailments, including asthma and bronchitis. Lavender essential oil is also used to relieve aching muscles, tension headaches and migraines, as wells in aromatherapy to ease feelings of stress, anxiety and even insomnia.
Yarrow Tinctures & Tablets
Dried yarrow flowers, scientific name Achillea millefolium, are said to have been used by Achilles of Greek mythology to stop his soldiers wounds from bleeding. European herbalists traditionally used dried yarrow flowers to treat minor flesh wounds, to reduce inflammation and as a sedative. Dried flowers contain certain chemicals that stimulate saliva and stomach acid production, aiding in digestion, and they may relieve muscle tension in the uterus and intestine, which causes menstrual and stomach cramps.