Yohimbe Preparation

Yohimbe has been used as a sexual enhancer for men and women for years. It is thought to produce a strong male erection for those suffering from complications of psychological impotence. You can prepare yohimbe tea at home.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 tsp. dried yohimbe
  • 1 cup water
  • 1,000 mg ascorbic acid (vitamin c)
  • Honey or a natural sweetener
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    • 1

      Simmer 1 tsp. of dried yohimbe and 1 cup of water in a covered pan for five to 10 minutes.

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      Strain and add up to 1,000 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to help prevent nausea and improve the herb's absorption.

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      Add honey or sweetener to endure the unpleasant taste.

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      Drink 1 to 2 cups of prepared yohimbe about an hour before you want the desired effects to take place.

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