Things to Make With Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm Tea
Lemon balm makes a flavorful tea. Boil water and seep dried or fresh leaves in the boiling water. Use 1 tbsp. of dried leaves or 2 tbsp. of fresh leaves in each cup of boiling water. After the leaves have seeped for a few minutes, strain the tea and add honey or lemon to taste. In some parts of the world, lemon balm tea is a traditional home remedy for the common cold.
Lemon Balm Infused Oil
Infuse oil with lemon balm by adding ½ cup of fresh lemon balm to 1 cup of oil. Allow the oil to stand for a few days at room temperature. The herbs will settle at the bottom. Strain the herbs if you desire, and then store the oil in the refrigerator. Aromatherapists use the scent to help reduce the pain associated with migraine headaches and lemon balm oil is a natural insect repellent.
Lemon Balm Milk
Susan Belsinger, from the Herb Society of America, recommends infusing lemon balm leaves in milk and adding 1 tsp. of maple syrup. Drinking a glass of this before bedtime can help you to relax. Add lemon balm milk to a favorite dessert recipe to add flavor and character. You can also infuse cream or half-and-half using the same method and use it in recipes or as an addition to tea or other beverages.
Lemon Balm Bath Bag
Create a bath bag using a small piece of cloth sewn into a bag or even an old sock. Fill the bag or sock with 1 cup of dried lemon balm, 1 cup of dried sage and 1 cup of dried thyme. Sew or knot it securely closed and soak the bag in a hot bath. This bath bag may help make someone who is suffering from a cold or the flu feel better.