What Are Camphor Spirits Used For?
Insect Repellent
Camphor and camphor preparations have been widely used as insect repellents, for both humans and animals. Some popular herbal remedies for flea infestations, for example, include the topical application of camphor spirits. Always use with caution, as camphor can be highly toxic if taken internally.
Relief of Pain and Itch
If the insects make it through, or if skin is itchy or irritated for some other reason, camphor spirits may provide some relief. Camphor spirits are often applied topically to relieve pain, itching, and irritation. Again, use caution. Camphor spirits should never be applied to broken skin where they may enter the bloodstream. Camphor is U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved for use on the skin to relive pain and itching in concentrations of up to 11 percent.
Cough Remedy
Camphor is FDA-approved as a chest rub in concentrations less than 11 percent. Some commercial products designed for topically applied cough relief, such as Vick's VapoRub, contain camphor.
As of April 2010, Camphor is not FDA-approved as a fungicide, but there is some evidence it may be effective against some types of fungus, particularly toenail fungus (onychomycosis).
Camphor spirits should never be taken internally or applied to broken skin. Topical applications should not exceed 11 percent camphor. (Over-the-counter products containing camphor may not legally exceed 11 percent.) When inhaled as a vapor, users should not exceed 1 tbsp. camphor spirits per qt. of water. Effects on a developing fetus are not fully characterized, but camphor appears to readily cross the placenta, and fetal deaths and stillbirths have been reported in cases of camphor poisoning of the mother during the latter stages of pregnancy. Nobody should ever ingest camphor spirits. Expectant mothers should avoid it entirely.