Herbs for Reactionary Time
A root prized in Asia and said to resemble the human form, Ginseng is known to help with mental acuity and help your body resist the rigors of physical and mental stress. Ginseng is also said to build energy and increase your resistence to disease. By reducing stress and increasing energy, Ginseng helps set the stage for improving mental reaction times. However, Ginseng can negatively impact the body if you have certain hormone-related diseases, such as breast or uterine cancer, if you take blood thinners, or if you have diabetes (because it can lower blood sugar).
Rosemary and Lavender
Just the aroma of rosemary can have beneficial effects on mental alertness and reaction time. Rosemary is said to alleviate depression, as well as improve memory and alertness, which helps you to think quickly on your feet. Additionally, the smell of lavender has a calming effect, which reduces stress and thus allows your brain to function more efficiently.
Ginkgo Biloba
Native to east Asia, ginkgo biloba has been said to help people, particularly the elderly, feel more alert and attentive. It also appears to improve reaction times in elderly people. Compounds in ginkgo improve blood circulation, as well as reinforce capillary walls and protect nerve cells -- all of which can help improve mental performance and reaction time.
A woody vine bearing small red berries, schisandra improves concentration and attention span, which in turn improves mental reaction times. The herb also has restorative properties, helping the body to recover more quickly from prolonged exertion, as well as endure extended periods of stress. The herb also helps to improve hearing and vision (alleviating eye fatigue), which aids in improving mental reaction time.