Uses for Wild Yams
Early American Use
In early America, another species of wild yam was used to treat colic and was known then as colic root. Like Chinese yam, colic root also contains diosgenin, a phytoestrogen derived from plants, and both have similar medicinal benefits. Wild yam was also used to treat muscle spasms, inflammation and asthma. During the 18th and 19th century, herbalists used wild yam for conditions related to childbirth and to treat menstrual cramps. More recently, diosgenin was used in the 1960s to make the first birth control pills.
High Cholesterol
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMM), researchers have theorized that the use of wild yam may be beneficial in reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. Diosgenin found in wild yam appeared to block the absorption of cholesterol in a study performed on animals. Studies conducted on people, however, showed that cholesterol levels had not gone down, but triglycerides in the blood showed a decrease. The UMM says more research is needed to confirm the benefits of wild yam when used to lower high cholesterol.
Weight Control and Blood Sugar
Fiber in yams helps make you feel full longer and the complex carbohydrates slow the rate of sugar entering the bloodstream. Additionally, manganese -- a trace mineral in yams -- helps metabolize the carbohydrates that, in turn, help with energy production and improved antioxidant defenses.
The marketplace is filled with wild yam products in the form of creams, liquid extracts and pills. These products are sold as a natural alternative to hormonal replacement. The food itself, however, is not what is promoted for menopausal systems. According to The World's Healthiest Foods website, there is a clear connection between the diosgenin in yam and its effect on the endocrine system, but its effects are not fully understood and more research is needed.
Continued Use by Herbalists
Herbalists continue to recommend the use of wild yam for a variety of conditions. This includes the treatment of nausea and morning sickness due to pregnancy, menstrual cramps, menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis and inflammation. According to the UMM, there is no scientific proof that wild yam works for these conditions and more research in needed.