How to Check If Raw Shilajit Is Original or Not
Start with research on the Internet for laboratories that specialize in Ayurveda testing. Ayurveda is the term that is used for the ancient form of traditional, natural Indian medicine.
Choose one or two common components found in Shilajit and contact two or three companies to determine if they are equipped for testing of these ingredients. Shilajit has many different minerals, acids, toxins, and polymeric quinone radicals in addition to therapeutic substances. The most experienced labs are those that provide testing and purification of Ayurveda products for resale.
Request an analysis of your sample, including a breakdown of ingredients by percentage. The percentage will show you the active amount of each mineral or vitamin present. A competent laboratory will be able to explain the chemical jargon to a layman without a scientific background.
Different sections of the Himalayas produce varying qualituies of Shilajit. Ask for a comparison of regional qualities. Different areas of the Himalayas possess higher or lower qualities of the chemical makeup of Shilajit.
Purify your sample if it is found to be authentic Shilajit. If the laboratory does not perform this step they can recommend a laboratory that does. Pure Shilajit is filled with toxins and free radicals that can harm the human body and must be processed before consumed.