The Uses of Cleavers
Skin Diseases
Cleavers has a wide history of use in western countries as a herb remedy to treat skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. According to Kerry Bones, author of "The Clinical Guide to Blending Liquid Herbs," cleavers stimulates the cleansing of blood through the kidneys and has a mild laxative effect. When taken internally, cleavers detoxifies toxins in the body responsible for skin eruptions and irritations.
Lymphatic Drainage
The lymphatic system is comprised of a series of veins and glands that circulate fluid and white blood cells throughout the body. Cleavers helps to reduce swelling of the major lymphatic glands, such as the tonsils and adenoids, during infections. According to Gillain Painter, author of "Materia Medica for the Southern Hemisphere," cleavers contains chemicals called iridoid glucosides, which are responsible for cleavers' diuretic and lymphatic activities. Take cleavers to help clear up inflammation and painful swelling of glands and to fight infection.
Mastitis is the painful inflammation or infection of the breasts in women, most often occurring during lactation and pregnancy. Cleavers has an astringent and antiseptic action on skin tissues when applied externally, either in the form of a poultice or in a cream or ointment base. In a study published in the "Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine" in 2007, researcher Cheryl Lans and colleagues found cleavers is used as an effective treatment in animals suffering from mastitis. Use cleavers externally on the affected area to relieve inflammation and help clear up infection of the breast tissue.
Prostate Problems
Men can experience a range of discomforting health problems with their prostates, ranging from benign growths to bacterial infections. According to James Green, author of "The Male Herbal," cleavers works directly on the prostate reducing inflammation and protecting against infections such as prostatitis. The increased flow of urine through the bladder will carry natural chemicals from cleavers to relieve discomfort and aid healthy urination. Take cleavers internally in the form of a herbal infusion or as a tincture every day to protect your prostate gland.
Cleavers contains a wide range of antioxidants capable of fighting free radicals when taken internally. Some of the antioxidant chemicals found in cleavers includes condensed tannins, quercetin, hesperidin and luteolin. By increasing the intake of antioxidants in the diet, you can help prevent a wide range of different types of cancer, as well as prevent accelerated aging and degenerative heart conditions. Make an infusion from fresh cleavers to extract the highest amount of antioxidants and drink daily.