How to Use Tribulus Terrestris
Speak with your doctor to determine whether Tribulus terrestris will work for your current health condition. Tribulus terrestris is primarily helpful for the increased production of hormones.
Take a dosage of between 85 and 250 mg three times each day with food.
Observe your overall health for signs of reactions to the supplement. If rashes, hives, dizziness or any other strange reactions occur within the first week of taking tribulus terrestris discontinue its use.
Steep 4 tbs. of dried tribulus terrestris herb in 4 cups of water for 20 minutes. Strain the tea and pour it into a container. Drink 1 cup four times a day during your menstrual cycle to relieve menorrhagia.
Take 1 tsp. three times a day of a tribulus terrestris tincture for optimal hormone regulation.