Banana Peel Treatments
Many people use facial creams to enhance their skin, whether they are trying to get rid of oily skin or have dry skin. Instead of spending money on expensive facial creams and treatments, you can use a mixture made from banana peels as a facial cream. Mash approximately 1/4 of a banana peel into a paste. Whisk an egg white into the mixture, as well as 1 tbsp. cornstarch. Beat in the ingredients thoroughly. Apply a thin layer of the facial cream to your face and let it sit for approximately 30 minutes. Use a clean cloth and warm water to remove the facial cream. Keep the remaining unused mixture in a refrigerator for up to three days.
Children, especially during the summer time when they spend a lot of time outdoors, can often get scrapes on their knees and elbows. Carpet burns from sitting on the ground too long can also occur. Instead of using a commercially-sold ointment from the pharmacy, use a banana peel to alleviate the pain from the scrape and promote healing. Cut a small portion of the banana peel and rub the inside of the peel against the scrape or carpet burn. The inside of the banana peel acts as ointment to help heal the wound.
Warts are common and can be rather painful. They are generally a sign of potassium deficiency. Although various treatments are sold commercially to cure warts, banana peels, which are high in potassium, can be used to help alleviate and even remedy the wart. Peel a banana and cut a small section of the peel with a knife. Wash the affected area with soap and water before applying the banana peel. Rub the inside of the banana peel against the wart. You can also leave the small banana peel piece on the wart and apply an adhesive bandage over the wart. Leave the bandage on overnight and observe the results. It can take several days to see progress.
Whitening Teeth
For smokers and people who drink coffee frequently, teeth can become damaged. In this case, you may want to try different methods of whitening your teeth. Before purchasing teeth whiteners and spending large sums of money, try a home remedy with a banana peel. Brush your teeth with a toothbrush and regular toothpaste. Rub the inside of a banana peel in a circular motion on your teeth for approximately two minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a day for better results.