Grapeseed Extract Uses

Grapes and their seeds have been utilized for nutritional and medicinal purposes for over 6,000 years. Almost every part of the grape has a purpose, and grape seeds are used to treat a wide variety of internal and external medical conditions. Grape seed contains flavonoids, vitamin E and multiple antioxidants, which all work to reduce sickness-causing free radicals. As with any natural supplement, discuss the use of grape seed extract with your doctor.
  1. High Blood Pressure

    • One of the main active compounds within grape seed extract is oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes which, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, is a strong antioxidant capable of eliminating excessive free radicals within the human body. Even though more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of grape seed extract on high blood pressure, the University of Maryland Medical Center states antioxidants found within this extract may protect blood vessel damage, which may lead to lower blood pressure.


    • The properties within grape seed extract are known to have antihistamine qualities, thus grape seed extract is sometimes used to help treat the symptoms of allergies. Such symptoms include nasal congestion, sneezing and airway inflammation. To use grape seed extract for allergies, consume up to 150 mg in tablet or capsule form up to three times per day with 8 oz. of water. Make sure the standardized extract contains an OPC value of at least 95 percent for maximum effectiveness.


    • The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine states that internal use of grape seed extract may reduce the severity of complications caused by diabetes. While this extract may not be capable of eliminating all diabetes complications, the NCCAM reports symptoms such as vision problems, nerve damage and wound swelling may be reduced.

    Minor Wounds

    • The topical application of grape seed extract may help reduce the severity and risk of infection with minor wounds. Due to the antioxidant properties of this extract, when applied to minor wounds it may help reduce inflammation, infection and expedite healing. To utilize grape seed extract for wounds, place three to five drops of liquid extract onto a cotton ball and carefully dab the extract directly onto the wound. Repeat once a day until the wound has healed.

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