EGCG and Its Effects on Hep C
Decreased Inflammation
EGCG has anti-inflammatory properties that extend to the liver. The reduced inflammation tends to lessen the pain associated with hep C, making quality of life better. It can also reduce hepatic swelling. EGCG appears to work particularly well with the mild inflammation associated with chronic hepatitis C, as opposed to acute cases.
Viral Replication Supression
A 2008 study published in "Antiviral Research" found that EGCG inhibited hepatitis viruses by up to 50 percent. This cellular suppression may slow down the progression of chronic hepatitis C by preventing the virus from multiplying. When used along side other hepatitis treatment, EGCG can theoretically get rid of the virus completely.
Decreased Hepatic Cell Death
One of ECGC's most promising effects is its ability to prevent the hepatic cell death commonly associated with viral hepatitis. When mice were treated with EGCG, they had lower ALT, or alanine transaminase, levels than their untreated counterparts. ALT measures injury to the liver. ALT levels rise with the severity of injury to the liver. Decreased cell death and hepatic injury are associated with faster recovery, better treatment efficacy and generally healthier patients.
Enhanced Treatment Efficacy
EGCG helps enhance treatment in two ways. Its ability to stop viral replication helps certain other hepatitis treatments, specifically anti-virals and immune modulators, to work more quickly. ECGC also helps to decrease abnormally high iron levels. High iron levels can interfere with interferon and ribavirin treatments, two of the most common treatments for hepatitis C.