Medical Uses for Oil of Oregano
Immune System Enhancing
Researchers from Poland tested 70 different plant varieties for their effects on the immune system and found oregano to have the most pronounced immunity enhancing benefits. In his article, "Escape the Flu and Cold Season and Much More...," Roger Baird recommends boosting immune function with three drops of oregano oil taken three times daily to ward off cold and flu viruses. Other viruses against which oregano oil has proven effective, says Baird, are herpes and hepatitis.
Researchers at Kansas State University tested oregano oil as an antimicrobial and found it as effective as chlorine bleach in sterilizing plant cell tissue cultures. Studies have found it a powerful medicine for fungal and bacterial infections, including of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal tracts. A study released in the "Journal of Food Science" found oregano oil's antimicrobial properties especially effective against bacteria known to cause food poisoning, including E. coli, Listeria and Salmonella. Studies in Mexico have found it beneficial in fighting giardia, an intestinal parasite, while it has also proven effective against pinworm and other intestinal parasites.
Folk Medicine
There are many folk remedies that make use of oregano oil for such benefits as combating winter sicknesses and related symptoms, including coughing, breathing difficulties and bronchial mucous membrane inflammation. Similarly, it is often used to combat allergy symptoms, including hay fever and sinusitis. It is also used to support healthy digestive function, including to relieve diarrhea. None of these benefits has been scientifically tested, although the Chinese have long used oil of oregano for cold and fever symptoms as well as jaundice, dysentery, vomiting and childhood malnutrition. It is also known to make for a powerful breath freshener.
External Uses
Essential oil of oregano is a powerful antiseptic for the skin and has been found useful against skin disorders ranging from acne to eczema to dandruff. It has also proven effective in relieving itching from insect bites. It has been found safe and effective for use on the teeth and gums to fight plaque, gum disease, oral infection and toothaches. Similarly it can also be used in the ears to alleviate earaches.