Noni Juice Cures

Once sold as a dietary supplement, noni juice is a substance made from noni fruit, which is grown on the Morinda tree native to the Polynesian Islands. The fruit itself is described as having a foul smell and sour taste, and the juice is marketed as a panacea that claims to cure and prevent ills, including cancer, diabetes and arthritis. Variations of the juice are sold under different names and brands and, according to the Wellness Foods website, bottles can retail for as much as $42.
  1. Preventing Disease

    • Although noni fruit has not been proven to cure diseases ,such as cancer and heart disease, it does contain -- like most other fruit -- disease-fighting anti-oxidants. According to the Mayo Clinic website, these anti-oxidants can help protect the body from age-related changes and diseases, such as cancer. The website also mentions that anti-oxidants play a role in helping to prevent macular degeneration, Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease. Noni juice is particularly effective at providing anti-oxidants because they are much more effective when consumed as a food or fruit juice, as opposed to a vitamin supplement.

    Health Benefits

    • According to Tahitian Noni Research pages, noni juice also contains manganese, which helps protect cells from oxidative damage and helps maintain healthy bones. Manganese in noni fruit also contributes to a healthy metabolism. These claims have been backed by the European Food Safety Authority in their EFSA Journal for 2009. Noni juice is also claimed by some companies to support physical performance if drank regularly over time. This claim is, however, unsupported by medical professionals.

    Cancer Research

    • The potential for noni fruit to fight cancer and cancerous tumors is still relatively unknown. According to the Cholesterol Database website, recent study has shown that noni fruit might well have the capabilities to fight tumors. With this possibility, the National Cancer Institute and the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) have both funded further research into the cancer-fighting capabilities of noni fruit. Preliminary studies are testing the safety of noni fruit as a cancer treatment drug, and the National Cancer Institute is testing the fruit directly in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer.

    Dangers and Hyperkalemia

    • According to the Mayo Clinic website, noni juice contains high levels of potassium and can be dangerous in large quantities, especially for those with chronic kidney disease and those on blood pressure mediation. Hyperkalemia occurs when your blood potassium levels increase above the average 3.6 to 4.8 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L). Anything above 6.0 milliequivalents per liter is considered dangerous. Symptoms of hyperkalemia include muscle fatigue, weakness, paralysis, abnormal heart rhythm and nausea. Contact your family doctor immediately if you suspect you have hyperkalemia. A professional will take a blood test to reveal your body's potassium levels -- worst-case scenarios may require emergency medication and/or dialysis.

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